
Building the Docker Image

For a developer to build and run the Chewie inside a Docker it is easy to pass through the live source-code to the Docker container, allowing for the developer to restart Chewie and code changes to be active on application restart.

To get started working with Chewie, the main image needs to be built before a developer can run it.

docker build -t chewie_image -f docker/Dockerfile.chewie .

To start the docker image inside a container, mounting the Chewie source code to /chewie/ the instruction below is provided:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/:/chewie/:ro chewie_image /bin/bash

To run Chewie once in the Docker environment: python3 /chewie/


Running unit-tests in Docker

To build and run the Chewie test-suite inside a Docker:

docker build -t chewie_test_image -f docker/Dockerfile.test . docker run -t chewie_test_image

Questions / Bugs

If there are any questions or bugs found please report them to the Chewie project via the issue link. This can be found at